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Python full stack developer course

Envision Computer Training Institute Pvt. Ltd. (ECTIPL) presents an immersive Python programming course, meticulously designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding and expertise in Python development. Embark on a journey of limitless career opportunities as you delve deep into the world of Python with our lifetime job assistance. Throughout the course, you'll immerse yourself in the intricacies of Python programming, data structures, and algorithms, honing your skills under the guidance of our seasoned instructors. Engage in hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios, empowering you to create robust and efficient Python applications. Seize this opportunity to join our program and pave the way to a successful and fulfilling career in the ever-evolving domain of Python development!

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specially designed for graduates looking for a job in the IT industry. No prior coding experience required.

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Python full stack developer course
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6 months at 4 hours/day


The Python Full Stack Development course at Envision Computer Training Institute Pvt. Ltd. (ECTIPL) covers a wide range of topics, starting from the fundamentals of Python programming to advanced concepts and technologies. Students will learn about Python classes in Pune, using frameworks such as Django and Flask, client-side scripting with JavaScript and jQuery, and database management with SQL and NoSQL databases. They will also gain hands-on experience with popular front-end frameworks like Angular or React for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

The Python Full Stack Developer course emphasizes practical learning through real-world projects and assignments, enabling students to apply their knowledge in a practical setting. Students will learn how to design and develop robust web applications, implement security measures, and optimize performance.

Throughout the Python Full Stack course, students will receive guidance from experienced instructors who are industry professionals. They will benefit from a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that are in line with current industry trends and best practices. Additionally, the institute provides a supportive learning environment with access to resources and continuous assistance to ensure students' success.

By completing the Full Stack Python Developer course at ECTIPL, students will be well-prepared to pursue career opportunities as Full Stack Python Developers. They will have the skills and expertise to handle both front-end and back-end development tasks, making them valuable assets in the IT industry.

Evolve from a beginner to expertly building advanced, robust web applications using the cutting-edge web technologies of 2021

Build a portfolio featuring over 8 professionally developed websites and web applications during the Python Full Stack Developer course, significantly enhancing your career prospects.

Use HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap to build website content and integrate engaging styling and enhancements.

Use JavaScript, jQuery, and React.js to develop interactive websites and single-page applications (SPAs).

Use Twitter Bootstrap to create responsive websites that adapt to various device sizes

Create a professional landing page for your app using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

Design a professional company website using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.

Build a professional website with a video background using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

Develop a professional stopwatch application using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

Implement back-end technologies like JSP, Servlet, AJAX, and JSON to develop dynamic, database-driven websites.

Employ advanced techniques to integrate your websites with APIs such as Google Maps.

Create an advanced Mathematics Tutorial Website using HTML5 & CSS3.

Key features - This course includes

Certificate of completion

Certificate of completion

Shareable certificate

Shareable Certificate

Earn a certificate upon completion

Earn a Certificate upon completion

Online/Offline courses

Online/Offline courses

Other features
No prior experience required Approximately 6 months to complete Recommended pace is 24 hours per week Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced We offer training tailored to individual needs, from beginner to expert levels Course Duration: 624 hours of real-time projects, including both instructional sessions and practical exercises Over 1,000 batches completed with a perfect course completion rate Personalized guidance On-site training Over 25 years of expertise EMI option available Affordable fees Comprehensive blended learning program
8 times more engagement in live online sessions led by industry professionals More than 20 essential tools and skills Entirely hands-on sessions Guaranteed job placement Interview preparation Assignments Internship opportunities Training by leading corporations Cost-effective training Apply your skills through practical projects Course materials and video lectures Assessment quizzes and graded assignments projects

Who is this course for?

For the Python Full Stack Developer course, most IT positions typically require at least a bachelor's degree, with fields of study including computer science, information technology, information systems, and software engineering. Common areas of study encompass programming, web development, and database management. Although a college degree remains significant in managerial and executive roles, the high demand for IT professionals has led many companies to be more flexible with educational requirements. If you have an interest in programming, you may be suitable for various job roles within the IT industry.

A computer science background is not a prerequisite for becoming proficient in the IT field; subjects like Mathematics, Physics, or Statistics can suffice. The duration of IT education varies from two to four years. Students can pursue a Diploma in Information Technology after completing class 10 or opt for professional IT courses after 12th grade, such as BSc Information Technology, B. Tech Information Technology, or M.Sc./M.Tech. /MBA in Information Technology.


IT Industry Professionals



Professionals in a tech adjacent role


Professionals from any industry

Why Full Stack training

A Python Full Stack Developer course equips learners with the ability to manage both client and server-side software, covering all aspects of the development process from databases to system engineering.

In essence, a Python Full Stack Developer course ensures proficiency in all the necessary stacks required for the development process, enabling developers to independently oversee a project's entirety.

Full-stack developers are adept at every layer of the technology stack, allowing them to craft a fully functional prototype of an application without external assistance. This versatility is particularly advantageous for startups aiming to swiftly launch a minimum viable product (MVP) and refine it later. Python full stack developers can seamlessly transition between different aspects of a product, enabling startups to maintain minimal overhead.

Due to their ability to work across all layers of an application, full-stack developers tend to collaborate closely, fostering strong team dynamics within the company. An experienced team of full-stack developers who are familiar with each other's strengths and weaknesses can be markedly more productive and agile than a larger team of specialists operating in isolated units.

The demand for Python classes in Pune is robust due to the invaluable contributions full-stack developers bring to any organization. Their broad expertise equips them with the flexibility, adaptability, and agility crucial for navigating the complexities of software development, whether in the startup realm or beyond.

What is full stack development

A full-stack developer is an individual skilled in all layers of an application, which encompass a variety of technologies essential for project completion, hence the term "stack."

  • Presentation layer: Also referred to as the front-end, the presentation layer includes components directly accessible to end-users. Modern presentation layers typically employ HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and various JavaScript libraries such as React JS, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Logic layer: Known as the back-end, the logic layer involves development activities focused on the core functionality of the application rather than user interface creation. Back-end developers are proficient in programming languages like Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, and .NET.
  • Data layer: Often considered a subset of the logic layer, the data layer manages data creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion using databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

Given the diverse requirements of different projects, full-stack developers possess varied skill sets tailored to the specific technologies needed for each project.

Front-End Development:

The user-accessible section of applications, known as the front-end or presentation layer, encompasses all elements directly interacted with by users. This critical part of applications handles the user interface and requires expertise in front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. Additionally, proficiency in frameworks like Angular and React can enhance hiring prospects. Front-end developers also need knowledge of web design, testing, debugging, and browser developer tools.

  • HTML: HyperText Markup Language serves as the standard markup language for documents intended for web browser display. It works with technologies like CSS and JavaScript. Web browsers retrieve HTML documents from a web server or local storage, rendering them into multimedia web pages. HTML provides the structural semantics of a web page and initially contained instructions for the document's appearance.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets serve as a style sheet language used to define the appearance and formatting of documents authored in markup languages. It supplements HTML by offering enhanced styling capabilities. CSS enables the modification of web page styles and user interfaces, finds application in various XML documents, and plays a fundamental role in crafting user interfaces for web applications and many mobile applications. CSS offers time-saving benefits, faster page loading, easy maintenance, superior styles to HTML, multiple device compatibility, and adherence to global web standards.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile scripting or programming language used to integrate advanced functionalities into web pages. It plays a pivotal role in offering dynamic content updates, interactive elements, and multimedia displays. Positioned as the third layer in the standard web technology stack, alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript enables dynamic and interactive user experiences. JavaScript offers less server interaction, immediate feedback to visitors, increased interactivity, and richer interfaces.

BACK END Development:

The back end, also referred to as the server-side, operates behind the scenes in any intricate program, handling software that is unseen by the user. This layer, commonly known as the Logic Layer, encompasses everything aside from the user interface, with data validation forming a crucial aspect of its structure. Developers in this realm possess proficient knowledge and expertise in programming languages such as Python, PHP, and Java. Additionally, back-end developers should be skilled in SQL, Git, Ruby, and other related technologies. Their responsibilities include maintaining a functional ecosystem for website operations, encompassing data storage, server-side features, and security measures. The functions and operations of back-end developers are not directly accessible to users.

Introduction to Python: Python is a versatile, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python emphasizes code readability and uses significant indentation to enhance code structure. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and automation. Python's extensive standard library and vibrant community contribute to its widespread adoption, ensuring robust support and continuous development.

Conditional Statement, Loops and File Handling: Conditional Statements: Conditional Statements: Conditional statements in Python, like if, else, and elif, control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. They allow developers to execute different blocks of code based on whether specific conditions are true or false.

Loops: Loops in Python, including for and while loops, enable repetitive execution of code blocks. They iterate over sequences like lists or perform actions until a certain condition is met, facilitating tasks like iterating through data structures or performing calculations.

File Handling: File handling in Python involves operations like reading from and writing to files. Using functions like open(), read(), write(), and close(), Python can interact with files on the filesystem, enabling tasks such as data persistence, log file management, and configuration handling in applications.

Lists, Ranges, and Tuples in Python: Lists: Lists in Python are ordered collections of items, which can be of any data type. They are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified after creation. Lists are versatile and commonly used for storing and manipulating data in sequences, supporting operations like indexing, slicing, appending, and removing elements.

Ranges: Ranges in Python represent immutable sequences of numbers and are typically used for iterating over a sequence of numbers. They are created using the range() function and provide a convenient way to generate sequences of integers within a specified range.

Tuples: Tuples in Python are ordered collections similar to lists but are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be changed after creation. They are typically used for grouping related data and are useful for returning multiple values from functions or protecting data that should not be changed accidentally. Tuples support indexing, slicing, and tuple unpacking operations.

Python Dictionaries and Sets

Dictionaries: Dictionaries in Python are unordered collections of key-value pairs. They are mutable, allowing the addition, modification, and deletion of key-value mappings. Dictionaries are used for storing data in a way that allows fast lookups, and they facilitate organizing and retrieving data based on unique keys rather than positions. Keys must be immutable types (like strings or numbers), while values can be of any data type.

Sets: Sets in Python are unordered collections of unique elements. They are mutable, allowing the addition and removal of elements, but they do not support duplicate values. Sets are useful for operations requiring unique items, such as eliminating duplicates from a list, performing mathematical set operations (like union, intersection, difference), and membership testing.

Input and Output in Python

Input and Output (I/O) in Python refers to how the program interacts with external data sources and destinations.

  • Input: Python uses functions like input() to capture user input from the keyboard or other sources. This input is typically processed as strings and can be converted to other data types as needed.
  • Output: Python provides functions like print() to display data to the console or other output streams. Formatted output can be achieved using string formatting techniques or f-strings (formatted string literals).

I/O operations are crucial for creating interactive programs, reading from files, and communicating with users or other software components.

Python Built-in Functions

Python Built-in Functions are pre-defined functions provided by the Python interpreter. These functions are ready to use without requiring explicit definition. They cover a wide range of operations, from mathematical calculations (abs(), sum()) to data type conversions (int(), float()), string manipulations (len(), str()), and more complex tasks like sorting (sorted()) and file operations (open(), close()). Built-in functions streamline common programming tasks, promoting code efficiency and readability.

Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into objects, which combine data (attributes) and behaviors (methods).

  • Classes and Objects: Classes act as blueprints for creating objects, defining their attributes and methods. Objects are instances of classes that encapsulate data and functionality.
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation bundles data and methods within objects, controlling access to data through methods (encapsulation) and hiding internal details from outside code (abstraction).
  • Inheritance: Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes (parent classes), facilitating code reuse and promoting hierarchy in class relationships.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism enables objects to be treated as instances of their parent class or their own class interchangeably, allowing flexibility in method implementation through method overriding and method overloading.

Python's OOP features facilitate modular and scalable code, enhancing code organization, reuse, and maintainability in complex software development.

Exceptions: Exceptions in Python are unexpected events or errors that occur during the execution of a program, disrupting its normal flow. They can arise from various issues such as invalid operations, file not found, or division by zero. Handling exceptions allows programs to gracefully manage errors and prevent crashes by providing alternative paths or error messages.

Python Regular Expressions

Python regular expressions (regex) are powerful tools for matching patterns in strings. They provide a concise and flexible way to search, extract, and manipulate text based on specific rules or patterns. Regular expressions use special syntax to define patterns, which can include metacharacters for specifying repetitions, alternatives, character classes, and more. They are widely used in text processing tasks such as data validation, search and replace operations, and parsing complex data formats.

Python Multithreaded Programming

Python multithreaded programming involves executing multiple threads concurrently within the same process. Threads are lightweight, independently executing units of a process that share the same memory space. Python's threading module facilitates multithreaded programming by allowing developers to create, start, and synchronize threads. Multithreading is useful for applications that benefit from parallel execution, such as handling multiple I/O-bound tasks simultaneously or improving responsiveness in GUI applications. However, Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks, making multithreading more suitable for I/O-bound operations.

Using Databases in Python

Using databases in Python involves interacting with various database management systems (DBMS) to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Python provides several libraries and frameworks for database connectivity, such as SQLAlchemy, SQLite3, MySQL Connector, and psycopg2 for PostgreSQL. These tools enable Python applications to establish connections to databases, execute SQL queries, handle transactions, and manage database schema programmatically. Using databases in Python is essential for storing structured data persistently, supporting applications ranging from web development to data analysis and more complex enterprise solutions.

Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Python refers to creating visual interfaces for applications using libraries like Tkinter, PyQt, or wxPython. These libraries provide tools to design windows, buttons, menus, and other interactive elements that users can interact with. Python's GUI frameworks facilitate the development of desktop applications with graphical elements, making it easier to build intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for various software projects.


Django is a high-level Python web framework that simplifies the process of building web applications by providing pre-built components and conventions. It follows the "batteries-included" philosophy, offering features like an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), URL routing, form handling, and authentication out of the box. Django promotes rapid development and follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern, emphasizing DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles. It's widely used for creating robust and scalable web applications, ranging from simple websites to complex enterprise-level systems.


Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework that allows developers to build web applications quickly and with minimal boilerplate code. It's designed to be simple and easy to use, making it ideal for small to medium-sized projects or prototypes. Flask provides essentials such as routing, templating, and request handling, while also allowing developers the flexibility to add extensions and components as needed. It's known for its simplicity, extensibility, and support for building RESTful APIs and web services.


SQL (Structured Query Language) in Python refers to using Python libraries and modules to interact with SQL databases such as SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and others. Python provides several libraries for SQL database connectivity, such as SQLAlchemy, sqlite3, mysql-connector-python, and psycopg2. These libraries enable developers to establish connections to databases, execute SQL queries, fetch data, and manage transactions programmatically within Python applications. SQL in Python is essential for handling persistent data storage and retrieval, making it a cornerstone for developing data-driven applications and managing relational databases efficiently

Why to choose ECTI for Full Stack Development Course in Pune

Receive complete support upon course completion. Achieve knowledge equivalent to that of a professional with one year of experience. Gain immersive, hands-on experience guided by industry experts. Benefit from comprehensive presentations covering all aspects of the course material. Access internship opportunities for talented individuals. Each session features concise lessons and practical projects. Join a well-regarded training institute with a recognized reputation in software training in Pune. Obtain career-focused training to pave the way for a bright future. Utilize our digitally equipped labs and attend weekday batches. Learn from certified trainers with over 3 years of industry experience.
Enroll in special programs tailored for both IT and non-IT students seeking career growth in the IT field. Choose from a range of highly sought-after courses in today's job market. Earn an ISO 9001:2015 certificate upon successful course completion. Benefit from course content highly appreciated by over 400 networked IT companies and experts for its relevance to current industry needs. Take advantage of a dedicated placement cell for securing job placements. Access services for resume preparation, mock tests, and interviews. Receive sample question papers for interviews and technical written tests. Get special attention if you require additional practice and placement assistance. Gain project work experience to meet selection criteria effectively.

At ECTI, you'll participate in continuous Full Stack Development projects and progressive assignments, all highly valued in the corporate sector. Our curriculum is carefully designed by industry experts. Upon course completion, you'll qualify for top positions in leading multinational companies worldwide, earning competitive salaries. Therefore, it's undeniably a worthwhile investment.

Comprehensive Hands-On Training

Onsite Instruction

Practical Assignments

Guaranteed Job Assistance

25+ Years of Experience

Internship Opportunities

Interview Preparation

Flexible Payment Plans

Personalized Mentorship

Affordable Fees

Offline as well as online course

Face-to-face interactions enhance information retention.

Improved time management skills.

Social interactions boost communication skills.

Learning is accessible from anywhere.

Building connections helps handle challenges more effectively.

Saves time and provides excellent visual aids for faster learning.

Addressing issues in person fosters creativity.


Meeting new people encourages stepping out of comfort zones.


Cost savings.

Reduces travel time and expenses.

Flexibility to attend any session at any time.

Extra free time.

Individualized instructor attention for personalized problem-solving.

Expanded course offerings.

Gaining insights from other students' shared challenges.

Opportunities for career advancement.

Enhanced collaboration.

Tailored learning experiences.

Lifetime access to study materials and tests.

Avoidance of traffic jams.

Course Syllabus Learning path

What is HTML?

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the core language for creating web pages and applications. It structures content using a markup system, enabling the integration of text, images, links, and multimedia. HTML provides a standardized framework, ensuring consistency and accessibility across various browsers and devices, transforming static content into dynamic and engaging online experiences.

What are Tags?

In HTML, tags are keywords that instruct a web browser on how to format and display content. Each tag consists of an opening tag, content, and a closing tag, though some tags are self-closing. Tags are essential for distinguishing between different types of content and applying appropriate formatting.

What are Attributes?

In HTML, attributes are specialized annotations that add extra information to elements, enhancing their functionality and behavior. They provide precise instructions to the elements they modify, transforming static HTML elements into dynamic components in web development. Attributes act as modifiers, enriching HTML elements with additional details beyond their basic functions.

Structuring a Web Page

In this segment, you'll explore HTML5 tags, the building blocks for creating web pages. These tags form the structural foundation, managing layout, organization, and interactive features. Through hands-on practice, you'll master HTML5 tags, crafting cohesive and captivating web structures that meet modern design principles and user preferences.

Introduction to css

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to define the visual appearance and layout of web documents. As the artistic counterpart to HTML, CSS enhances the aesthetics and user interfaces of web pages, seamlessly integrating with markup languages. Beyond HTML, CSS is also used in various XML documents like SVG and XUL, empowering developers to craft precise and visually appealing digital experiences.

Types of CSS

In CSS, styling is categorized into three main methods: Local Style, Page-Level Style, and External Style. These methods are grouped into two broader categories: Internal CSS, which includes both Local Styles and Page-Level Styles, and External CSS, which operates independently from an external source. Each method offers developers flexibility and precision in creating visually appealing digital experiences, contributing to the dynamic landscape of web development.

Box Model in CSS

The CSS box model is a fundamental concept in web development, encompassing properties like borders, margins, padding, and content. It defines the structural layout of web pages, allowing developers in Pune to customize visual aesthetics with precision. Each webpage element is rendered as a rectangular box, ensuring consistency and flexibility in design across different browsers. This model serves as a versatile toolkit for creating engaging and well-structured digital interfaces.

CSS Fundamentals

In web development courses in Pune, mastering CSS involves using pseudo-selectors for targeted styling and adjusting text attributes like fonts and spacing. Background shadows add depth, while layout dynamics handle float and positioning challenges. Display properties ensure precise alignment of elements, while transform properties bring elements to life with rotation, scaling, and translation effects. Animations, powered by transitions and animation properties, inject fluidity and visual appeal into web interfaces, culminating in captivating and dynamic digital experiences.

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

In Pune's web development classes, responsive web design (RWD) adapts website layouts dynamically based on device screen sizes and orientations. It ensures optimal user experiences across diverse devices, from smartphones to desktop monitors, using strategic breakpoints to govern layout adjustments. This approach tailors designs above and below breakpoints, optimizing usability across different screen sizes and devices.


In full web development courses, the Flexible Box Layout Module revolutionizes layout creation with efficiency and user-friendliness. It replaces traditional methods like float and positioning, simplifying element arrangement on webpages. With unmatched versatility, developers can structure content without rigid design constraints, enabling dynamic and adaptable web designs that cater seamlessly to diverse screen dimensions and orientations.

In contemporary web development courses, Bootstrap stands out as a powerful CSS framework tailored for responsive, mobile-first front-end design. It integrates HTML, CSS, and optional JavaScript, offering a comprehensive suite of design templates. Beyond standard elements like typography and forms, Bootstrap enhances visual appeal and functionality across navigation menus and interface components. This versatile framework empowers developers to create visually striking, user-friendly, and responsive web applications, setting new standards in front-end development.

Bootstrap's grid system

Bootstrap's Grid System is a versatile framework, dividing webpages into up to 12 columns. Developers can manipulate and combine columns freely to create expansive design elements. This flexibility allows for endless possibilities, from using all 12 columns individually to creating custom layouts like combining 4 columns of width 3 each. This strategic approach ensures developers can craft responsive and visually cohesive designs in their full-stack web development courses.


Components in the website development course in Pune introduce various Bootstrap tools. Explore interactive user interfaces through components like accordion, collapse, offcanvas, and more. Learn to optimize space with collapsible sections and enhance navigation with offcanvas menus. Mastering these elements empowers developers to create engaging, responsive, and visually stunning web applications.


Forms in web development courses in Pune offer a curated selection of examples and usage tips. Learn form control styles, layout possibilities, and custom element integration. From button styles to form control placement, explore diverse options to enrich user interactions and create intuitive forms. Master form crafting with these guidelines and examples, elevating your skills in web development.


Bootstrap helpers are essential tools for swift customization, enabling rapid adjustments to web elements. These responsive artisans streamline spacing, typography, alignment, and color tweaks, simplifying complex customizations into an intuitive process. Harness Bootstrap's potential to bring design concepts to life quickly and efficiently.


Bootstrap's utility classes empower developers with an extensive toolkit for enhancing responsiveness and mobile-friendliness. These classes facilitate precise content alignment, visibility control, and seamless spacing adjustments, ensuring dynamic and adaptable interfaces across devices. Master Bootstrap's utility classes to achieve digital excellence in responsive design effortlessly.

Javascript fundamentals part - 1

JavaScript, a powerful programming language for interactive web applications, begins with the foundational "Hello, World!" example. This overview covers syntax basics and integrates JavaScript with HTML for web functionality. We explore values, variables (let, const, var), data types, arithmetic, assignment, and logical operators. String manipulation and template literals manage textual content dynamically. Conditional statements (if/else), type conversion, truthy/falsy values, and equality operators aid decision-making. Boolean logic (&&, ||, !) combines conditions, while the switch statement handles diverse cases. Ternary operators offer concise conditionals. These fundamentals pave the way for advanced web application development techniques.

Javascript Fundamentals part - 2

JavaScript essentials cover strict mode for better code quality, functions for reusable code blocks, including declarations and concise arrow functions. Arrays provide robust data manipulation, while objects store intricate data structures. Iteration, facilitated by for loops, handles specific tasks like array looping, backward iteration, and nested loops. The while loop provides an alternative based on true conditions. Mastery of these concepts enhances programming proficiency, enabling more efficient JavaScript coding and discovering advanced techniques with practice.

Javascript Dom and Dom manipulations

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface that represents HTML or XML documents in a tree structure, allowing for interaction and manipulation of content, structure, and style in web development. JavaScript facilitates DOM manipulation by accessing and modifying elements, handling click events for interactivity, and dynamically adjusting CSS styles for visual enhancements. It also manages classes for styling and organization based on conditions or user actions. JavaScript supports various events like mouseover and keydown, enabling dynamic web experiences. Proficiency in DOM manipulation, event handling, and CSS adjustments empowers developers to create responsive web pages and advanced applications.

Javascript Fundamentals part - 3

Iterating arrays with loops, map, filter, and destructuring offers versatile operations on elements. Traditional for and while loops customize actions per element. Map and filter transform and conditionally filter data efficiently. Destructuring simplifies value extraction for manipulation. JavaScript in web development dynamically modifies DOMs for user interactions. Built-in functions handle numbers, dates, strings, and arrays. setTimeout and setInterval manage timed actions and animations. Event listeners respond dynamically to user clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs on web pages.

Javascript Ajax (HTTP requests)

Axios and fetch are essential JavaScript tools for making HTTP requests in client-side applications. Axios simplifies AJAX requests with comprehensive method support, headers, query parameters, and robust error handling. Meanwhile, fetch, a built-in JavaScript API, utilizes promises and async/await for modern request handling. Both are vital for interacting with server-side APIs, each offering similar capabilities with nuanced syntax and feature distinctions. Choosing between them often depends on personal preference and project needs, ensuring seamless data retrieval and API interaction in client-side web development.

Introduction to jquery

Beginning with jQuery, we explore its versions and guide on acquiring it for seamless integration. jQuery and $ simplify DOM manipulation significantly. Using document.ready ensures scripts run only after full document load, boosting page performance. Selectors like id, class, tag, and descendant allow precise DOM element targeting. We cover crafting single-line and multiline CSS in jQuery for flexible style manipulation. This journey sets the stage for developers to create dynamic, interactive web applications with jQuery's capabilities.

Jquery Events and Effects

In jQuery, events like click, mouseenter, hover, dblclick, change, focus, blur, keypress, keydown, and keyup cater to user interactions. Effects like show, hide, toggle manage visibility, while fade and slide effects create smooth transitions. Animate allows custom animations, enhancing web interface dynamics and interactivity.

Jquery dom manipulations

In jQuery, manage forms dynamically with append, prepend, empty, remove for content integration and element management. Control structure with before, after, parent, parents, next, nextall, prev, prevall, children, find. Utilize callbacks for responsive form interactions. Use val, attr, text, html, addClass, removeClass, toggleClass for styling and manipulation, enhancing form aesthetics and functionality.

Jquery ajax and working with 3rd party plugins

In jQuery's AJAX realm, utilize $.ajax for flexible server requests, handling data fetching, transmission, and responses. Explore versatile configurations for request types, data parameters, and error handling, ensuring tailored server communications. Extend capabilities with diverse plugins, enhancing UI dynamics and data manipulations. jQuery's AJAX and plugins empower developers to create dynamic, interactive web applications in web development courses in Pune.

Introduction to react and SPA

Embark on React's dynamic exploration in modern Pune web development courses. Discover its declarative efficiency in constructing scalable interfaces. Explore Single Page Applications (SPAs) for fluid navigation and real-time updates. Node.js complements React, initiating project setup with npm start. Focus on components, pivotal for modular UI elements. Master npm install for managing dependencies. This journey equips for crafting sophisticated web apps with React's foundational knowledge.

React Js Fundamentals part - 1

Explore React's journey focusing on components, the building blocks of dynamic user interfaces. These modular units encapsulate reusable functionality within React's framework. Dive deeper into props, essential for seamless data transfer between components. They facilitate efficient communication across the React hierarchy, ensuring fluid information flow. Understanding components and props lays the groundwork for scalable and maintainable React applications, empowering developers to craft robust user interfaces.

React Js Fundamentals part - 2

In React development, hooks like useState revolutionize state and side effect management in functional components. Specifically, useState offers flexibility for integrating stateful logic. JSX, or JavaScript XML, blends HTML elements with JavaScript expressions seamlessly in React components. Exploring useState's syntax and utilizing state on input elements with onChange events showcases how React efficiently handles user interaction for dynamic interfaces.

Working with events and lifting the state up

In React development, two-way binding enables dynamic communication between child and parent components through state management. This synchronization ensures seamless updates across components, enhancing real-time interactions and responsiveness in applications.

React Js Fundamentals part - 3

In full-stack web development courses, we integrate Material-UI and Styled Components to enhance React applications. Axios simplifies HTTP requests for interacting with external APIs. Mock APIs and Rapid API broaden data handling capabilities. useEffect synchronizes state and HTTP requests for efficient application flow. Forms benefit from useRef for streamlined element management. Fragments group elements efficiently, and portals enable rendering outside parent hierarchies. This exploration equips developers with tools for crafting advanced React applications.

React Routing

We use React Router to build single-page applications (SPAs) in our journey toward dynamic user experiences. This library seamlessly integrates with React, managing navigation and dynamically rendering components based on distinct URLs. Exploring React Router, we define routes, render components dynamically with URL changes, and utilize route parameters for enriched interactions. Nested routes enable modular SPAs with reusable components, enhancing user journeys with seamless transitions between views. Integrating React Router enhances SPAs, ensuring intuitive navigation and elevating user experiences in web development courses.

React Context api

In React development, the Context API offers a streamlined solution for inter-component communication, eliminating prop drilling. It establishes a centralized data repository accessible across component hierarchies, enhancing code maintainability and development efficiency by simplifying state management.

Introduction to Python

Python, introduced by Guido van Rossum in 1991, stands out as a versatile and high-level programming language renowned for its simplicity and readability. One of its distinctive features is significant indentation, which not only enforces code structure but also enhances readability. Python supports various programming paradigms such as procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, making it adaptable for diverse applications including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation. Its strength lies in the extensive standard library and active community support, facilitating rapid development and widespread adoption across industries.

Conditional Statement, Loops and File Handling:

Conditional Statements: Conditional statements in Python, such as if, else, and elif, play a crucial role in controlling the flow of a program based on specific conditions. They empower developers to execute different blocks of code depending on whether certain conditions evaluate to true or false. This capability enhances the flexibility and logic of Python programs, allowing for dynamic decision-making processes.

Loops: Python offers versatile loop structures like for and while loops, which enable repetitive execution of code blocks. These loops iterate over sequences such as lists or perform actions until a specified condition is met. They are essential for tasks such as iterating through data structures, processing large amounts of data, and performing calculations iteratively. The flexibility and efficiency of Python loops contribute to their widespread use in various programming scenarios.

File Handling: File handling in Python encompasses essential operations such as reading from and writing to files stored on the filesystem. Using functions like open(), read(), write(), and close(), Python programs can interact with files to achieve tasks such as data storage, retrieval, log file management, and configuration handling. This capability is vital for applications requiring persistent data storage, file-based communication, and structured data management. Python's robust file handling capabilities contribute to its suitability for both small-scale scripts and large-scale applications.

Lists, Ranges, and Tuples in Python:

Lists: Lists in Python serve as ordered collections that can contain elements of any data type. They are mutable, allowing modifications to their elements after creation. Lists are versatile data structures widely used for storing and manipulating data in sequences. Key operations include indexing, slicing, appending, and removing elements, making lists fundamental for tasks requiring dynamic data management and manipulation.

Ranges: Ranges in Python are immutable sequences of numbers, primarily used for iterating over a sequence of integers. Created using the range() function, ranges offer a convenient way to generate sequences of integers within a specified range. They optimize memory usage by generating elements on demand, facilitating efficient iteration over large sets of data or when exact sequences of numbers are required.

Tuples: Tuples in Python are ordered collections similar to lists but are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be altered after creation. They serve as containers for grouping related data elements and are commonly used for tasks requiring data integrity and protection against accidental changes. Tuples support operations such as indexing, slicing, and tuple unpacking, making them suitable for scenarios where data immutability and structure preservation are essential, such as returning multiple values from functions or defining constant sets of data.

Python Dictionaries and Sets

Dictionaries: Dictionaries in Python are versatile data structures that store unordered collections of key-value pairs. They are mutable, enabling developers to add, modify, and delete key-value mappings dynamically. Dictionaries excel in scenarios requiring fast lookup times, as elements are accessed by unique keys rather than positions. Keys must be of immutable types (like strings or numbers), ensuring their stability, while values can be of any data type, allowing flexibility in storing diverse information. Dictionaries are essential for organizing data efficiently and retrieving information based on specific keys, making them fundamental for tasks ranging from managing configurations to implementing efficient data retrieval systems.

Sets: Sets in Python are unordered collections that store unique elements. They are mutable, allowing for the addition and removal of elements dynamically. Unlike lists or tuples, sets do not support duplicate values, making them ideal for scenarios where uniqueness is essential. Sets are particularly useful for operations such as eliminating duplicates from a sequence of data, performing mathematical set operations like union, intersection, and difference, and testing membership efficiently. Sets leverage hashing mechanisms internally to ensure fast membership tests and support operations that facilitate comparisons and operations involving distinct elements, thereby offering an efficient solution for managing and manipulating unique collections of data in Python.

Python Built-in Functions

Python Built-in Functions encompass a wide array of pre-defined tools integral to the Python interpreter. These functions cover diverse operations, from basic arithmetic and data type conversions to advanced tasks like sorting and file handling. They enhance code efficiency and readability by eliminating the need for explicit function definitions, thereby streamlining common programming tasks.

Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) organizes code into objects combining attributes (data) and methods (behaviors).

  • Classes and Objects: Classes define object blueprints with attributes and methods. Objects are instances of classes.
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation bundles data and methods, controlling access and abstracting internal details.
  • Inheritance: Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and methods, promoting code reuse and hierarchy.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism enables flexible method implementation across classes. Python's OOP enhances code organization, reuse, and maintainability in software development.

Exceptions in Python are unexpected errors during program execution, disrupting normal flow. Handling them gracefully prevents crashes, offering alternative paths or messages.

Python Regular Expressions:

Python regular expressions (regex) are versatile tools for pattern matching in strings, using special syntax for defining rules like repetitions and alternatives. They're essential for tasks like data validation and parsing.

Python Multithreaded Programming:

Python multithreaded programming enables concurrent execution of threads within a single process. Threads are lightweight units sharing the same memory space. Python's threading module supports creating, starting, and synchronizing threads. It enhances applications by handling multiple I/O tasks simultaneously or improving GUI responsiveness, though the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) restricts true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks, favoring I/O-bound operations.

Using Databases in Python:

Python uses various libraries and frameworks like SQLAlchemy, SQLite3, MySQL Connector, and psycopg2 for PostgreSQL to interact with database management systems (DBMS). These tools enable applications to connect to databases, execute SQL queries, manage transactions, and handle database schemas programmatically, supporting diverse applications from web development to enterprise solutions.

Graphical User Interface

Python's GUI frameworks like Tkinter, PyQt, and wxPython enable developers to create intuitive desktop applications by designing windows, buttons, menus, and interactive elements for user interaction. These libraries streamline the development of user-friendly interfaces across different software projects.


Django, a high-level Python web framework, streamlines web application development with pre-built components and conventions. It includes features like ORM, URL routing, form handling, and authentication, following the MVC architectural pattern and DRY principles. It supports rapid development from simple websites to complex enterprise systems.


Flask, a lightweight Python web framework, enables fast web app development with minimal code. It's ideal for small to medium-sized projects, offering essential features like routing and templating. Flask's simplicity, extensibility, and support for RESTful APIs make it versatile for various web applications.


Python's SQL capabilities involve using libraries like SQLAlchemy, sqlite3, mysql-connector-python, and psycopg2 to interact with databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. These tools enable seamless database connectivity, query execution, and data management within Python applications, crucial for data-driven development and relational database management.


Django, a high-level Python web framework, streamlines web application development with pre-built components and conventions. It includes features like ORM, URL routing, form handling, and authentication, following the MVC architectural pattern and DRY principles. It supports rapid development from simple websites to complex enterprise systems.


Flask, a lightweight Python web framework, enables fast web app development with minimal code. It's ideal for small to medium-sized projects, offering essential features like routing and templating. Flask's simplicity, extensibility, and support for RESTful APIs make it versatile for various web applications.


Python's SQL capabilities involve using libraries like SQLAlchemy, sqlite3, mysql-connector-python, and psycopg2 to interact with databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. These tools enable seamless database connectivity, query execution, and data management within Python applications, crucial for data-driven development and relational database management.


About Full Stack Development Professional Certificate Course

Embark on a transformative journey into web development with our Professional Certificate program, designed for beginners and crafted to build essential skills and technical expertise. Dive deep into HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React JS, Bootstrap, and more. Through hands-on learning, you'll master the tools used by top developers, gaining the ability to build, deploy, and manage web applications confidently. Launch your career in web development today with this comprehensive program.

Applied Learning Project

Embark on an immersive journey through our 10-course Professional Certificate program, blending theory with hands-on project implementation. Dive into practical projects using cutting-edge technologies and programming languages, building a robust portfolio that demonstrates your skills in web development to peers and employers alike. This approach ensures both theoretical understanding and practical expertise, preparing you for success in the dynamic field of web development.

What is a Professional Certificate?

Build the Skills to Get Job Ready

To succeed in today's job market, cultivate essential skills sought by employers for thriving in roles.

Hands-On Projects

Build your skills with practical projects and create a portfolio demonstrating your readiness for prospective employers. Successful project completion is required for earning your certificate.

Earn a Career Credential

Upon completing the web development course curriculum, you'll receive a Certificate to showcase your expertise. This achievement opens doors to career support services and potential hiring opportunities associated with the certification. For details on specific benefits, refer to each certificate's page.

Proficiency after certificate course

Cloud Native Devops Iass PaaS Saas Hybrid Multicloud Cloud Computing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) HTML Git (Software) JavaScript Cloud Applications Distributed Version Control (DRCS) Open source

Placement Process


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The salary range for Full Stack Developers in India varies widely, from 2.2 Lakhs to 16.0 Lakhs annually, with an average of 6.0 Lakhs, based on recent salary data collected from 19.2k Java full stack developers.

The average annual base salary for an IT developer in India is ₹582,659, ranging from INR 300,000 to INR 1,400,000.

Software developers in India earn an average salary.

The position of an IT developer in India is among the highest-paying roles, influenced by factors like experience, skills, location, and employer.

Different companies adopt unique payment structures based on their philosophies.

A full stack developer excels in both frontend and backend website development, ensuring website accessibility, user experience, and problem-solving capabilities. They manage program databases, servers, and browsers, making them highly valued in development.

While full stack developers are relatively recent additions compared to other professionals, demand for them is growing, impacting the computer science field. Companies from startups to global giants like Meta, Microsoft, and Google actively recruit them, with salary ranges varying greatly.

The salary of a full stack developer is influenced by their contributions to the organization and several other factors. Various factors affect web developers' salary ranges, including the following.

Entry-level salary: Rs. 3.5 LPA Average-level salary: Rs. 5 LPA Experienced-level salary: Rs. 7 LPA

Let's examine the factors influencing the salary range of a Java full stack developer. Hiring organizations prioritize candidates with experience. Candidates with current knowledge and a wide skill set may receive higher salaries. Employers value problem-solving skills, product knowledge, and project management expertise, favoring these candidates. As a result, they often receive higher salary offers than those lacking development tool and technology expertise.

Regardless of the job, professionals should continuously develop industry-specific knowledge and skills. This enables them to negotiate more favorable salary terms.

The outlook for web developers is promising, with projected growth of 13% by 2026, well above average. Specialized fields within web development, such as software development, are experiencing even greater demand. Consequently, careers in IT development are expected to continue on this upward trajectory.

In today's business landscape, there is a growing demand for developers who can meet expanding requirements. Web development now encompasses various operational facets, leading forward-thinking companies to seek full-stack developers proficient in comprehensive system analysis. These developers possess deep insights into individual components and their integration within organizational frameworks.

The rapidly evolving technology sector has created a significant shortage of full-stack developers compared to rising demand. For those considering a career in web development with promising prospects, pursuing the path to becoming a full-stack developer is a prudent choice.

If you're new to the field and concerned about limited job opportunities for full-stack developers, let's address this with factual insight.

For instance, lists approximately 20,000 Full-stack Developer positions in India alone. Keep in mind, this is just one platform; other reputable websites like, Indeed, LinkedIn, and more offer additional opportunities.

The extensive demand and adaptable nature of this role provide numerous advantages for both employers and employees:

1. Diverse Market Landscape:

Initially sought after by small firms, full-stack developers are now indispensable even to large multinational corporations, given their ability to handle diverse responsibilities.

2. Increased Accountability = Enhanced Productivity:

By engaging with both client-side and server-side aspects, full-stack developers achieve higher productivity through a comprehensive understanding of multiple concepts simultaneously.

3. Continuous Growth:

Unlike specialized roles, full-stack developers continually encounter learning opportunities, enhancing their productivity, versatility, and career prospects.

4. Perpetual Growth:

Despite its ever-changing nature, this role ensures consistent professional growth. Full-stack developers remain valuable due to their ability to adapt and learn, opening doors to various job opportunities.

The demand for full-stack developers continues to rise, driven by expanding startup cultures globally and corresponding salary increases in regions like the U.S. and India. For instance, the average annual salary for a full-stack developer in the U.S. is $99,971, and in India, it ranges from 2.5 LPA to 17.0 LPA, influenced by experience and skills.

To those wondering about the demand for full-stack developers, the answer is unequivocally yes. This demand is fueled by the growth of online platforms, prompting organizations to offer competitive salaries and ample growth opportunities to attract and retain skilled professionals.

The future looks promising for full-stack developers, with projections indicating a 20% increase in demand in the coming years. According to Rishabh Kaul, Founder of Belong, full-stack developers play a crucial role in end-to-end product development within startups and smaller teams. Their proficiency in both front-end and back-end coding positions them well for high-paying roles in large enterprises.

Consider these compelling facts to understand the potential of a career in full-stack development:

Impressive Compensation: In the U.S., full-stack developers can earn between $62.1K to $105K annually, while experienced developers in India may earn between Rs 351,000 to Rs 1,000,000.

Expansive Opportunity: There are approximately 1.4 million vacant full-stack developer positions in the USA alone, highlighting the high demand for professionals with comprehensive skill sets.

Exceptional Adaptability: By 2030, most IT positions are expected to shift to remote work, a trend that full-stack developers are well-positioned to embrace due to their ability to manage entire projects independently.

Premier Employers: Highly esteemed organizations like Apple and General Assembly actively seek out skilled full-stack developers, recognizing the value they bring to complex projects and innovations.

Full-stack .NET developers play a crucial role across the entire lifecycle of web application development. Their duties encompass gathering requirements, designing architecture, coding, testing, and deploying applications using Java and related technologies.

In front-end development, their focus lies in creating and integrating user interfaces with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js. Their goal is to deliver responsive, visually appealing user experiences.

For back-end development, these developers manage server-side logic and programming tasks using .NET frameworks such as MVC or .NET Core. They build APIs, handle data processing, storage, and integrate with databases and external services.

In database management, they design and optimize databases, create schemas, write SQL queries, and perform database operations using MVC or .NET Core technologies.

Troubleshooting and debugging are essential tasks where they identify and resolve application issues, conduct debugging procedures, and perform rigorous testing to ensure software functions correctly.

Collaboration is key as they work closely with multidisciplinary teams including UI/UX designers, product managers, and QA engineers to understand requirements, provide technical expertise, and deliver high-quality software solutions.

Continuous learning is integral as full-stack .NET developers stay updated on the latest technologies, tools, and industry trends. They continuously refine their skills to navigate evolving development methodologies, improving application efficiency and performance.

Depending on experience, full-stack .NET developers may also undertake project management responsibilities. This can involve estimating project timelines, task decomposition, team collaboration, and ensuring timely software delivery.


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Most frequent questions and answers.

The essential skill set for Python Full Stack developers includes proficiency in Core Python, Advanced Python, Django, Flask, front-end development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and database administration (SQL). They should also be skilled in Entity Framework, RESTful web services, version control systems (Git), and possess strong problem-solving abilities, effective communication skills, and a dedication to continuous learning.

Python Full Stack developers need to be proficient in Core Python, Advanced Python, Django, Flask, front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and SQL for database management. Essential skills also include knowledge of Entity Framework, RESTful web services, version control with Git, strong problem-solving abilities, effective communication, and a commitment to ongoing learning.

In India, the salary for Fullstack Python Developers ranges from ₹2.1 Lakhs to ₹17 Lakhs per year, depending on experience, which can range from less than 1 year to 7 years. The average annual salary is ₹5.5 Lakhs, based on data from 1,000 recent salary reports.

Certainly! Securing a position in the Python domain as a fresher is relatively straightforward. Python offers numerous career opportunities, providing global recognition, rewarding careers, and significant job satisfaction for aspiring professionals. However, the exact level of knowledge required for a fresher to start a career as a Python developer or programmer is not clearly defined.

Junior Python Developer

This entry-level role is where a software engineer begins their career. In this position, the engineer is responsible for writing, analyzing, testing, and debugging code. They typically work as part of a team and report to leaders and mentors for guidance. As this is their first job, it is crucial for them to familiarize themselves with industry practices and standards. Focusing on skill development is essential for improving proficiency, which can facilitate career advancement within their current company or enable a transition to a more desirable employer. This role represents a promising career opportunity in Python.

Senior Python Developer

A senior developer generally takes full ownership of projects, reporting to executive officers and managers, and contributing to coding tasks. They also mentor new developers within the company or on specific projects. This role is widely regarded as the standard position for a developer.

Python Architect

A Python architect designs and constructs the structure of an application, categorizing various logic layers to distribute responsibilities among team members. They select and integrate the most suitable technologies for the software being developed, ensuring seamless compatibility. These job listings often come from leading companies seeking specialized Python programmers proficient in enhancing and optimizing existing products. Field-specific job postings may require particular skill sets.

Python Web Developer

A Python web developer usually focuses on backend development, deploying and maintaining server-side code. Understanding cloud computing basics is beneficial due to the industry's rapid shift towards cloud-based systems.

Full Stack Python Developer

If you are interested in web applications, you might explore opportunities as a full-stack Python developer. In this role, you could lead web development teams, design new websites, and enhance existing ones. Full-stack developers may either create web-based applications for a single company or offer consultancy services to multiple businesses. In a consultant capacity, they provide guidance and execute tasks leveraging their diverse web programming skills.

Essential skills for a full-stack developer include:

  • Comprehensive knowledge of front-end framework design.
  • Proficiency in testing.
  • Familiarity with microservices and their integration into applications.
  • Proficiency with various tools like Docker, Ansible, and AWS to enhance efficiency and facilitate work with different web technologies.
  • A deep understanding of libraries and the ability to create APIs within the code.

Numerous online platforms like LinkedIn have simplified the freelancing process and accelerated client networking. Freelancing can also serve as a part-time Python career opportunity, providing valuable experience to enhance one's resume. However, freelancing comes with challenges such as lower initial pay, high competition, inconsistent workload, and demanding clients. Freelance work for Python developers typically falls into two categories: coding jobs and feature development. These jobs are often remote, allowing you to freelance as a Python web developer or app developer.

Consulting Developers

Experienced individuals in the industry often secure roles as consulting developers. These positions are typically advertised by companies with tight deadlines, focusing on launching or improving a product or feature. Such jobs usually require on-site work, with freelancers integrated into the project team. Contracts typically conclude upon project completion.

Having prior familiarity with the C language and its concepts can make learning Python easier. Python can be easily downloaded and used to execute programs.

How long does it take to become a full-stack developer? It can take as little as 180 days with full-time dedication to learning, or longer if you opt for part-time tutorials or coding boot camps.

Certainly! There is a strong demand for full-stack developers skilled in Python. Tech companies and web development agencies are actively looking for developers who can code, construct, and design both front-end and back-end components. With the tech industry expanding rapidly, developers are more sought after than ever before.

The highest reported salary for Python Developers reaches ₹50 lakhs annually. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹29 lakhs per year, with the top 1% earning an impressive ₹46 lakhs.

ECTI, a Python course provider in Pune, meticulously selects guides and mentors for its programs. Candidates undergo an entrance test and interview to qualify as trainers at the institute. The role requires extensive experience to effectively teach both basic and advanced levels of Python. Successful candidates who pass both assessments can secure the trainer position promptly. However, those who do not clear either assessment may face a longer wait for employment. The selection process can be demanding, especially for experienced professionals.

As many enterprises increasingly rely on Python for their backend architecture, more candidates are choosing to enroll in Python classes in Pune. Upon completing the course, you will receive our Python Full Stack Web Apps Development certificate.

Certainly, Python courses in Pune are available online for anyone to learn, with numerous institutions and online platforms providing convenient access to Python education.

Eligibility Requirements: Candidates interested in enrolling in the Full Stack Web Development certification course must have completed high school. Additionally, they should have a proficient understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Full stack development offers an attractive and promising career path for individuals in the software development sector. Currently, a substantial 55 percent of surveyed developers identify themselves as full stack professionals.

Full Stack development is highly coveted in today's Software IT Industry. It provides newcomers with an excellent career path to expand their knowledge and secure placements. Choosing full stack development could therefore be the ideal way to advance your career.

Large multinational corporations and conglomerates consistently look for skilled full-stack developers to contribute to their web and software development projects.

Top Companies for Full Stack Developers in India include:

  • TCS: One of the largest multinational IT services companies globally.
  • Infosys: Renowned for its high-quality full stack development services in India.
  • Wipro
  • Mindtree
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Cognizant Technology
  • IBM
  • Accenture

  • Full Stack Developer
  • Cloud Architect
  • Blockchain Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Software Engineering Manager
  • Cyber Security Engineer
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Mobile Applications Developer

Software developers, also known as software development engineers or software engineers, are tasked with building software programs, applications, networks, and operating systems.

To succeed as a full stack developer, one must be proficient in multiple areas, including front-end languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as backend technologies like Core & Advanced Python, Django, Flask, and SQL. Additionally, expertise in database management systems such as MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle Database, along with knowledge of version control and web hosting platforms, is essential.

The term "full stack" refers to the complete set of technologies and skills needed to complete a project, with each component forming part of a stack. These stacks can be customized for mobile, web, or software applications. Typically, a software engineer specializes in either front-end or back-end development throughout the project.

Python excels in prototyping, machine learning applications, operating systems, language development, games, and graphic design/image processing. Full-stack developers, who possess skills in both frontend and backend development, typically enjoy lucrative incomes compared to those specializing solely in frontend or backend development.

According to another report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities for these professionals are projected to increase significantly from 135,000 to over 853,000 by 2024. This career option not only offers numerous job prospects but also ranks among the highest-paid ones.

Full-stack developers usually command higher salary packages compared to front-end or back-end developers. Employers tend to offer increased compensation to full-stack developers because it is more cost-effective to hire one individual with proficiency in both front-end and back-end skills, rather than engaging separate individuals for each role.

In essence, full stack development involves integrating both back-end and front-end development. The specific definition of a full-stack developer can vary across the industry due to the wide array of programming languages used.

Students should consider majors that prepare them for full stack development, such as computer science or web development. According to Stack Overflow's 2020 Developers Study, the most common majors among developers were computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering (62.6%).